Photo of H. Patrick Fletcher
H. Patrick Fletcher
Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology
B.S. - 1961 - Purdue University
M.S. - 1963 - Purdue University
Ph.D. - 1965 - Purdue University

Over the past years my research examined the effects of drugs and neurotoxins on the endocrine system. This research has focused on the effects of these agents on the endocrine response to stress and the endocrine maintenance of blood glucose levels. Drugs and neurotoxins can modify the release of hormones and the actions of these hormones at target tissues. More recent studies investigated the involvement of phosphoinositol signaling pathway in the actions of neuroendocrine peptides at the cellular level.

Lab Members
Representative Publications

H. P. Fletcher, S. A. Noble, and G. R. Spratto, "Effect of the Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, Soman, on Plasma Levels of Beta-Endorphin and Adrenocorticotropin ACTH," Biochem. Pharmacol., 38, 2045-2046 (1989).
H. P. Fletcher, S. A. Noble, and G. R. Spratto, "Effect of the Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, Soman, on Selected Endocrine, Glucose and Catecholamine Levels in Fasted and Fed Rats," Toxicology, 52, 323-329 (1988).
A. Chuthaputti and H. P. Fletcher, "An Assessment of the Effect of Hydrocortisone on Beta Adrenergic Activity of the Pancreatic Beta Cells of the Rat," Res. Comm. Chem. Path. Pharmacol., 57, 329-341 (1987).
C. A. Skillman and H. P. Fletcher, "2-Deoxyglucose Tissue Levels and Insulin Levels Following Tolazamide Dosing in Normal and Obese Mice," Expt. Clin. Endocrinol., 87, 288-298 (1986).